A new transmission Compton scattering tomography


In Transmission Compton Scatter Tomography, an object is scanned to reconstruct a map of its electronic density. Data recorded consist of scattered photons and are modeled by a Radon transform on a specific manifold that depends on the setup used. The technique exhibits interesting applications such as non-destructive testing or medical imaging. So far, several configurations with different features have been proposed. In this paper we introduce the scanning protocol for a new two dimensional Compton Scatter Tomography. The design consists of a fixed source and a rotating detector and exhibits some advantages like not requiring collimation at detectors. We also introduce a Radon transform on circle arcs modeling the new modality and provide an exact inversion strategy. We carry out simulations illustrating this results. Finally, we discuss some lines for future research such as a generalization to three dimensions.

In XVIII Worshop on Information Processing and Control (Bahia Blanca, Argentina)
Cécilia Tarpau
Cécilia Tarpau
Research Associate
